House of Prayer Assembly

Pastoral Leadership
Bishop David E. Tabb Jr. & Pastor Barnela Ruth Tabb
Bishop David E. Tabb, Jr. and Pastor Barnela R. Tabb are the senior pastors of House of Prayer Assembly located in Cahokia Heights, Illinois. Their no non-sense style of leadership and their uncompromising love for God and love for the people of God have been the catalyst which the Holy Spirit has used to propel light into a community once believed to be in spiritual and economic destitution. They both have strong prophetic teaching gifts and the miraculous power of God is often demonstrated with signs and wonders following.
Bishop Tabb is a native of St. Louis, Missouri and Pastor Tabb is a native of Collinsville, Mississippi. The Tabbs are appreciative to God for their wonderful parents, the late Bishop David E. Tabb, Sr. and Mother Shirley B. Keyes (his parents), the late Harry Parker and Mother Bessie J. Tanksley (her parents), and Deacon Lewis Keyes, their God-given father, husband of Mother Keyes and the late Mother Missouria Tanksley (her grandmother who raised her).
In 1980, the U.S. Army was the vehicle that transported the Tabbs to Colorado Springs, Colorado where they united with Faith Mission House of Prayer Full Gospel Church under the leadership of Apostle Clifton Walton and Evangelist Clara Walton. Both served in Apostle Walton's ministry holding numerous positions. Bishop Tabb held positions such as: drummer, worship leader, intercessor, teacher, assistant pastor, and personal aide to Bishop Walton. Pastor Barnela Tabb held positions such as: choir director, intercessor, nurse's unit president, Sunday school teacher, seminar facilitator, musician, soloist, Youth Minister Leader and personal aide to Evangelist Walton.
After 16 years of devoted service to the Waltons, their faithfulness was rewarded. They were separated from the leadership of Bishop and Evangelist Walton to accept their ministry with House of Prayer Assembly under the leadership of Bishop Simon S. Tabb, Sr. and Overseer Estella McCullough Tabb, leaders of the Church of God in Christ Jesus, Inc., headquartered in South Bend, Indiana. On September 25, 1995, Bishop Tabb, Sr. installed Elder David Tabb, Jr. as the Pastor of House of Prayer Assembly. Later, Pastor Tabb, Jr. was consecrated as Bishop of the St. Peters region of the COGIC Jesus, Inc. Bishop Tabb, Jr. appointed Pastor Barnela Tabb as Co-pastor to aid him in the work of the ministry. October 2002, she was consecrated as Pastor.
Bishop and Pastor Tabb have three children: Knishawn, Shanna and Darnella. They were also blessed to be instrumental in the rearing of their niece, Zinkenyu. Together, with their children and niece, they joyfully and tirelessly serve fulfilling God's vision for Cahokia Heights, Illinois----To be a beacon of light and a place of refuge for God's people; where the love of God in Christ Jesus, through the Holy Spirit, is demonstrated through men, women, boys and girls.